Successfully leading transformation management processes
For successful organizations and companies, permanent change is inevitable. Not only digitalization and internationalization, but also changes in the market environment and corporate structure can trigger far-reaching change and transformation processes. Last but not least, the corona and impending global economic crisis cause a high degree of agility and constant readiness to change. Organizations must therefore face several changes at the same time. These often take place simultaneously, without a clear starting or end point.
What is transformation management?
Transformation management describes the targeted management of changes in organizations. It combines organizational development and change management. Organizational development is the term used to describe continuous change - over a limited period of time. Change management in turn describes a radical change - also with a time limit. Transformation management on the other hand accompanies continuous change processes. It encompasses all tasks and activities that aim for far-reaching change: e.g. in the areas of structure, processes and corporate culture.
Successful transformation communication
Change processes cause great challenges and pressure for all concerned. They are often perceived as unpleasant and disruptive. Especially the thought that change has no end, often leads to change fatigue and resistance. This makes the successful introduction of communication measures all the more important. It is particularly imperative to communicate changes in a transparent, understandable, very regular and appreciative manner. Those involved usually ask themselves the following questions:
- »Why do we have to change?
- »What will change?
- »What will remain as it is?
- »What vision guides us?
- »What does the change mean in concrete terms for me?
- »What benefits does a transformation offer for my company and for myself?
These questions should be taken seriously and integrated into transformation communication. After all, successful change communication is considered an important leadership skill. Among the essential success factors for leaders in transformation is the ability to empathize with all employees, to make compromises, to address and deal with concerns, fears and needs and thus drive the change process forward.
For employees, the VUCA state that inevitably accompanies every transformation leads to uncertainty, destabilization, increasing complexity, ambivalence and often even fear.
Professional change communication must be practiced redundantly, as those affected often only absorb and understand a small part of the messages due to tension and fear. It is therefore important not only to reduce fears, but also to increase motivation, strengthen collegial cohesion and develop a common solution orientation. Thus, a change process can have extremely positive consequences, both for the company and its employees.
Coaching in transformation management
Not only for employees, but also for managers, phases of transformation trigger effort and uncertainty. Coaching and consulting stabilize the process by strengthening self-management skills, by giving feedback, and by teaching systemic person-centered methods of how change processes can be carried out as professionally and smoothly as possible.
The topics of coaching and consulting in transformation management include:
- »Agility Management,
- »Resilience,
- »Emotion management,
- »Strategies of conflict reduction,
- »Boundary skills,
- » Dos and Don'ts in home office,
- »Success Skills for Leaders in Change
- »Teaching methods such as Scrum, Design Thinking, Kanban and innovation management.